Today, after dinner I had a hankering for chocolate something fierce! So I caved and had my brother pick me up a chocolate bar from the hardware store when he ran there for a dowel. Smile I enjoyed it immensely with a glass of raw milk. I then read the back of the package and was thanked for eating my chocolate bar because it helps support children’s education! Who knew you could make a difference by eating a bar of chocolate! I feel so much better about that splurge now! LOL!
Ok, so now on to my recent favorites! This is a list of things I have been enjoying lately. Maybe you will find something you haven’t heard of before and you might enjoy it too!
The Mitford series.
Finally, after much prodding from a friend and my sister, I finally felt the desire to read the Mitford series. I previously read the first two books, but I got caught up in a swing of exciting books, suspense and mysteries, that the simple and lovely fair of Mitford didn’t appeal to my sense of excitement. I am officially tired of the extra drama and decided to kick back and read Mitford. I have loved it! The wholesomeness of the books really appeals to me and I am loving all the realistic, true to life and just endearing adventures of the sweet and diverse townsfolk of Mitford. Plus, I haven’t had a ton of time to read lately, what with jobs picking up pace and my own business being busier, so it has been doubly enjoyable to read these sweet books curled up in bed before lights out. And for the record, they are just as exciting as any suspense book I have read recently. One night I was up for 2 hours after going to be reading with the light of my headlamp!
~ Hollyn’s new song Love With Your Life has had me playing it on repeat for 10 times! I can now sing the whole thing and it is just a fun, beatfull song! Definitely a good motivator/workout song.
~ Needtobreathe had a new album come out this month. HARDLOVE. Oh my goodness! I have loved it! My favorite songs are Mountain Pt. 1, Testify, and Clear. Seriously, if you like eclectic music with country/rock vibes, you should seriously check it out!
~ I also recently discovered Beckah Shae. Her latest album Mighty is super fun. My fave songs from it are Source of Life, It’s Well, and I’ll Be Alright. I love fun music with a great message, she easily weaves scripture throughout her upbeat and fun melodies.
Movies/TV shows:
(disclaimer: most things that are geared for an adult level I watch viewed through a filter of some sort. My parents often fast forward bad parts, or we watch through something called VidAngel.)
~ West Wing: My older sibs and I along with our parents our slowly working our way through the third season. It has been really cool learning how the government works through this drama; especially in light of the elections coming upon us fast.
~ White Fang: A classic! I watched it with the kids a few weekends ago. It was a great adventure story and kept my picky younger brothers interested!
~ Journals!!! Ok ok, so confession right now. I am a lifelong journal addict. For real, I can’t seem to stop myself from buying a really pretty and inexpensive one. I have a lot of notebooks and journals waiting to be used. I just got this cutie from Meijer for $9! it is really pretty white with glittery gold designs.  And before that I picked up these awesome 5 subject notebooks from Costco because they were on sale. I got all three for $6. I even have my eyes set on a set of 6 moleskin notebooks again from Costco. What can I say? They are on sale! And the two in the middle are so cute too! The blue one is actually called a novel journal because the lines are the novel Anne of Green Gables in fine print!!!!! OH my gosh! Does it get any nerdier and cool than that??? Ok, I will stop now. . . but seriously!
~ This fabric!!!! Swoon! Lots of awesome projects coming soon!
~ THIS Fabric! I did a large order of knit fabrics from Girl Charlee, and made all of these awesome new headbands!!! I save myself one made from the end of the bolt and I have found myself wearing them a lot! They are so pretty and for real I get giddy when I get pretty fabric! They will be hitting the Etsy shop soon!
~ And last but not least, this writing prompt. I did it this week and I don’t know why, but something in it really touched me.
What about you? What have been some of your favorites this month? Have you enjoyed any of the things I posted about?
By God’s Grace,