Book Review Etiquette/Tips

[youtube] Video Notes for those who don’t want to watch the entire vid. Treat the author as a human being, they are someone’s family member, treat them as if they are yours. Stars: Stars mean...Read More

How I Taught Myself To Write // Part 2

I hope you enjoyed last weeks post full of writing resources that are completely free. If you did not read it, here is the link. This post is about what I did aside from research to teach myself how to write. There were a lot of practices and habits that I have formed...Read More

How I Taught Myself To Write // Part 1

As an author, a writer and a joyful learner, this process wasn’t as hard as most people think it is, and to be honest, sometimes the overly heady people who are telling you that you aren’t qualified until you have your degree are wrong. But I’m not here to tell you...Read More