I found on the internet a concept I thought quite fun and something I needed to do. I have been kind of floating in limbo lately, going with the flow, and not really keeping up with some of the things I could or should be doing. So I thought the idea of “fourth quarter” goals was a good one for me right now. So I thought to myself, what happens in the fourth quarter of a game? When your team is behind, or even ahead, this is the time you regroup, reapply your focus and re-center your attention. Get your head in the game and make this thing happen! Accomplish your goal, which, in football is to win the game. Don’t get caught up in seeing the end ahead, but focus on the here and now and concentrate on what you need to do. Finish Strong!



So here are my goals:


~ Memorize 1 verse of scripture per week


~ Write 20 min. every day. ( my concept for this is that I am in the process of writing a novel and I really have slacked off with it. I have done this before and I give myself the freedom that if I miss a day if we are SUPER busy, I just make up for it another day I have more time)


~ Strive towards Prayer! (God has been really teaching me about the importance of prayer and using it as a weapon against the enemy and it being consistent in it.) I will pray every night through my prayer list of people and for certain things in life. Praying scripture is also something I will be doing.


~Exercise on a consistent basis starting @ 2 times per week.


~Make a list of good, classic, solid books and read those in my free time. (Some books in my list are: Mere Christianity by CS Lewis, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I will share a more detailed list at a later date.)





What about you? Do you like making goals? What are some of your goals for the rest of the year?


By His Grace,
