In case you needed to hear it today, your dream matters. 

That little thing in your heart that maybe you’ve been hiding, it might be a little seed, cocooned and held tight, your hands not letting it get any sunlight or water as you hold onto it tightly, it feels too raw to share and you aren’t sure if it’s the right thing and all of the hesitation and unworthiness slams you in the face when you even think about moving forward. Your dream matters. 

If you’ve been struggling through, pushing through all the tiring hours, trying to make it happen, running up against the opposition and fighting for your dream. You might wonder why you started in the first place or if you aren’t supposed to be doing this. Second guessing is slamming you in the face and you can’t catch your breath because you have so much going on. Your dream matters. 

Maybe you are soaring high, crushing goals and making things happen, but you are worried that this isn’t doing everything it was intended to. Maybe you are looking to grow even more and you’re hitting walls and resistance. He will bring the right people to you and give you what you need when you need it. Your dream matters. 

God places those dreams and destinies in our hearts and His provision is on them. You will hit resistance. There will be moments where the enemy’s voice is so loud in your ears… but want to know why? It’s because your mission and impact is SO POWERFUL that he can’t even stand the idea of what you carry. He will do everything he can to discourage you. The harder youthe fight, the more powerful the impact. Keep seeking Jesus. He will give you the strength to push through. The knowledge on when to pull back and rest. He will provide for your every need. 

I am speaking life over your dream. It is a part of your destiny and I pray that God blesses it and gives it everything it needs to grow.

What’s your dream? I’d love to partner in prayer with you over it!