After giving it some thought, I really wanted to do this series. I will be posting each week about a different aspect of why I want to Homeschool my children.  So many people make judgements out of not knowing, and I really want to educate those who might not understand why I am going to choose to homeschool. As a homeschool graduate, a lot of people like to think that I am going to homeschool my kids because of one of the following. 

  1. I have been brainwashed and sheltered and am therefore going to homeschool my kids in the same way.
  2. My parents are controlling and will be mad if I do anything else
  3. I am not thinking it through and am just going to do it because that’s the only thing I know.
  4. I am scared of something I have never tried.

Most of these things couldn’t be farther from the truth. These posts aren’t just to prove that to anyone either. It is for me, just as much as others who wish to know. I want to try my hand and get a chance to actually outline my thought processes behind one of the most important things to me. 

I also want to state before we get started: Me having all of this thought out does not mean that God can’t change my mind. If He called me to send my kids to school, I would. I also want you to know that I do not judge people for sending their kids to school. God calls each person to a different journey and I know that more than anyone, having had a unique and oftentimes looked-down upon journey myself. Any life decision that people make is their own and between them and God. Who am I to say that there is only one way to anything? Except to salvation, which is only through Jesus Christ. 

That being said, I can’t wait to dive into this subject with you! I’ll see you next week for the first post! 

What do you think? Are you excited for this series?  

By God’s Grace,
