On a much lighter note this week, I am here to talk about creativity. 

In my homeschool experience, I was very fortunate. Homeschooling gave me the opportunity, the parents, and the time to explore my creative niches which then blossomed into several entrepreneurial businesses, websites etc. If I had been to school and had to sit at a desk for 8 hours a day, I would never had the time or energy to learn how to knit, crochet, sew, cook, bake, write, blog, design, and numerous other activities that I found great delight, purpose, and joy in. 

When we homeschooled, we were done when we finished our assigned work. We didn’t have to stay at school for certain amounts of time, we had daily assignments that if we completed, we were done. If that took us 4 hours, or 8. Often times it took us less, and we were therefore able to devote that time to other things.  I learned lots of different handicrafts that I still enjoy today, and some of which I have been able to turn into home businesses. 

I was so blessed that my creativity was encouraged and that I had the ability and the exploration to explore it. Public schools offer some substitutes for these types of activities, but the ability and time to devote to it simply aren’t there. 

If my child wants to do something that intrigues them and is something that isn’t a normal thing a school would provide a class for, I want to give them every opportunity to explore their God-given gifts. You never know. God may turn that into a way of provision, or even just enjoyment for them. I want them to have that chance and that time. 

What are your thoughts?

By God’s Grace,
