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Now, on to today’s featured author, Laura Guenot!
I would just like to say, I have gotten to work with this lovely young lady before, and I even got to design her book cover. I was really impressed by her, and I hope you enjoy our little interview!
Laura Guenot
An all-out coffee enthusiast, Laura also loves writing historical fiction. In the rare moments when she’s not engrossed in her latest writing project, she enjoys being with her family, reading great books, and dressing up in old fashion clothes.
Laura loves Jesus with all her heart and strives to point others to Him in her writings and through her life.
Hi Laura! Thank you for being here! Here are my questions. . .
1. What authors inspire you the most?
Great question Victoria! Authors like Alicia A. Willis, E.D.E.N Southworth, Malachi Cyr, and most recently Jaye L. Knight inspire me. Each of these authors has created stories that have shown me how to write better!
2. What was the main inspiration behind your book, Even in the Grey?
I would say the deadline for the short story contest in which I entered Even in the Grey into, really inspired me.
Seriously though, there wasn’t any one specific thing that inspired me. I knew I wanted to write a WWII story and just worked out some different ideas on paper until I had the story idea that resulted in Even in the Grey.
3. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee! It’s not so much the caffeine boost coffee gives you but the joy of having a warm cup of something in your hand! It also smells wonderful 😉
4. Do you have any other projects in the works? Can you tell us about them?
I’m working on three other projects currently…
– A serial story for my blog entitled, “Echoes of Honor.” It is set during WWII and is about a young woman named Sophie who works with the resistance movement. Through the story, she learns how to have the kind of courage only God can give.
– I’m also working on another serial story for a young author’s site Noble Novels. It’s roughly set during the 1600s in America. You can check out my blog or Noble Novels to find out more!
– I’m working on a novel tentatively entitled, “How I Found You.” It’s about a young Military Veteran who goes on a long, hazardous journey to find his estranged wife.
If you would like to find Laura, you can find and follow her at the links below.
Contact Laura – Contact me through my blog! Contact
Thanks for joining us today and happy shopping!
By God’s Grace,
Thanks for interviewing me Victoria! 🙂
“How I Found You” sounds splendid!