Workin’ Hard Outfit/Life

  Life has been busy lately! Between my part time job, preparing for our Shop the Barn Boutique Sale, working on LED Light Vests, and Sewing for myself, I haven’t had much time for Outfit posts. Especially with the light leaving us sooner at night than before. It...Read More

Outfit Post: Fall Neutrals

I really love this outfit! This maxi skirt has been hanging in my closet just waiting to be worn, but it has been a little too warm for a long knit maxi, plus, I wasn’t sure what color to pair with it. The skirt is so long, I had to roll the waistband down twice so it...Read More

#TeamSpirit! I like Football

Yup, you read that right! I am a football fan! Most people think it is strange when a girl likes football. For years, our family was split into two groups. Pro football, and the group that could care less. In other words, boys and girls. Every Sunday afternoon, Daddy...Read More