Writing Prompt 039

“He’s incredibly handsome.” Daphne simpered and her freckles bounced beneath her dimples as she smiled. Marjorie noticed that Ginger looked wistfully over the edge of the balustrade and her eyes seemed to be searching for someone in particular. Marjorie felt her heart...Read More

Writing Prompt 038

Hello lovelies! I took such delight in writing this prompt. I love medieval stuff and feel like there is too little good of it in the world. I still have an entire manuscript of a book set in that time period that I hope one day to revamp. It was the first thing that...Read More

Writing Prompt 037

One of these days, I am going to say no. But when she looks at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of hers, how can I? Every time, ever since she was first born, she could wind me around her tiny little porcelain finger. That’s not a bad thing, right? Every father should...Read More

Author-y Q&A Part 2

Finally! It is up! I apologize for the delay between part one and part two, but I got it edited and ready for you to view! I hope you enjoy my answers to these fabulous questions that my Goodreads followers submitted! You can follow me on Goodreads here. Also, one...Read More