I am going to start off this post saying that I know with the party last week that there are a lot of book related posts right now. I have plans to get back to having a schedule of diversity, but for now, I had to get these book reviews out since they had deadlines. Anyway, on to this awesome book!

Title: Silencing Insecurity: Believing God’s Truth About You
Author: Donna Gibbs
Published: September 2018
Publisher: Revell

I almost have no words for this book. Which makes it incredibly difficult to write a review.
This book really struck a chord with me as it was something I have been struggling with for years. I think everyone struggles with insecurity at some point and in some form in our lives, and this books was just a beautiful message of hope and encouragement.
Donna Gibbs does an amazing job of making a book concise, to the point and readable, all without losing the poignancy and impact of the book. I loved how readable this book was and I read it in just a few days. Nonfiction books can tend to take me awhile. If it’s not interesting, I tend to zone out or get distracted while reading, but this one dragged me in and held my attention. I loved the writing style and felt so encouraged and blessed for reading it!
I would highly recommend this book to anyone, whether you feel like you deal with insecurity or not, there are so many lessons that were amazing to learn about Spiritual warfare, the importance of our thoughts and where they come from, and how to remember and live by the truths that God says about us. This book made me so aware of the lies that I believe subconsciously that I never knew about.
Highly highly recommended. All the stars. Honestly, I can’t even tell you how much we all need this book! LOL!
By God’s Grace,

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