The Mind of God by Bill Johnson
Genre: Sprituality
Publisher: Chosen Publishers
Publication Year: 2020
Purchase and Synopsis

I am honestly obsessed with this book. It really came at the perfect time for me and confirmed a lot of things that I felt the Lord already awakening and speaking to my spirit. I am so grateful for this perspective and the scriptures that Bill Johnson tied to each and every one of his points. Each truth hits like a dart to the center point. 

The call and encouragement to each believer to take life beyond the average and into our true calling as a priest and minister first and foremost to the Lord, and then to the world around us, is so needed at this time, and even more relevant in the way that Bill Johnson lays out these truths aligned with scripture. 

Being the church of Christ and being His manifestation of heaven on earth, what that looks like and how it is done in real life, was one of the main themes throughout this book. I loved how he delved deep into what God’s word has to say about Wisdom and how that manifests in this world. 

I would highly recommend this book for any believer who wants to be the light and salt we are called to be, but may not know what that looks like in the natural world. 

I hope you give this book a read!

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