Hello my luvs! I hope you are doing well. It has been a hot minute since I’ve posted. I’m sure you all can understand the upheaval, but things have been a little nuts as I have settled into somewhat of a new normal. There has been a lot going on while dealing with the logistics of what this quarantine looks like, but I am so grateful that I’ve had it so easy by comparison to most in this time.
I pray and hope that all of my readers are doing well in this time of waiting and I pray that God is meeting you in special ways right now. I know He has really been speaking to me seemingly more than usual as of late!
I wanted to jump on with a little bit of encouragement!
If you’re anything like me, this pandemic has created little more than what could be classified as an inconvenience. In my state currently, we are in a Shelter in Place order, and I have been working from home for the last two weeks. I miss my family that I can’t see, my co-workers and my friends. The introvert side of me has made this a little easier on me than most, I’ll have to admit, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to hug all of the people I have been denied seeing up until this point.
I hope you know that no matter what is going on in the world right now, and while it’s a lot, I know, the Lord is still in control.
He is still King. He still sits on the throne and His love for His people is so vast and unsearchable that you couldn’t possibly have any idea how much.
My hope isn’t in flesh and blood, or in the powers that rule this world or in the governments that are making the decisions. My hope is in the fact that Christ is Lord and that He can work all things for good. Even this horrible, heart-breaking situation.
When you feel the worry or concern ratchet up to a fever pitch, when you feel the depression of missing friends and family, when you start to look around you and wonder what on earth is going on. . .stop, and remind yourself of the truth.
“The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty; the Lord is robed, He has girded Himself with strength and power; the world also is established, that it cannot be moved. Your throne is established from of old; You are from everlasting. The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up the roaring of their waves. The Lord on high is mightier and more glorious than the noise of many waters, yes, than the mighty breakers and waves of the sea.” Ps. 93:1-4
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Is. 41:10
Perspective is everything in this time. So when your mind starts to listen to the wrong voice and derail, pull it back on the tracks with truth!
How are you holding up in this time? I would love to pray with and for you! Comment below with any requests. I’m even thinking about doing a live prayer meeting for my blog followers, let me know if that would be something you are interested in.

Thank You for this post, Victoria Lynn. Glad that you are doing fine. We are okay and staying in. We are ordering our groceries online. Praying a lot for all. God Bless
We’re doing okay, here. Mom’s considered an essential worker, but is able to work from home, so the the only time we have to go out is for groceries, taking trash to the dump, stuff like that. I have days when I’m okay and days when I hear a little too much news and the anxiety hits. I also miss my Sunday school kids like crazy and it hurts my heart that we can’t be in church on Easter Sunday and probably not until sometime in June. It’s better to stay safe, though, and at least a select few members of the church are able to go in and keep the weekly broadcast going, and our local station has been great about making sure it’s not preempted by anything like golf or whatever. I’m also glad technology lets me keep in touch with friends like you and others during this time. 🙂
Prayers would be appreciated for an elderly gentleman from my dad’s senior citizens Sunday school class (and grandfather of some of my previous Sunday school students) who is currently fighting the virus. Please pray also for my aunt. Before this all got started, my Grammy got a UTI that put her temporarily in the nursing home for treatment and physical therapy, but now she’s pretty much stuck there until the quarantine stuff is over and this has been playing havoc with my aunt’s anxiety and depression since she’s been Grammy’s main caretaker for decades. There’s nothing my parents and I can do since we’ve never been able to travel to help her out, so we’re just covering them in prayer.
Thank you for such an encouraging post!
There has also been a lot of waiting for me, I was so close to getting my drivers license when my DMV closed.
But amidst the practice in patience I am trying to stay busy and am getting more sewing done, also I am very grateful to the Lord for online stores.
What I found helps to stifle fear or anger is just to start thanking the Lord for everything, from your kitchen table to His mercy.