Stand Strong

Stand Strong

Don't hide your crown! You are a child of the one true King. The royalty you carry is not to be ashamed of.  Picture you, a royal. The crown you wear is heavy. Some in the kingdom hate you for who you are and what you stand for; but, nonetheless, what you stand...

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Ink Blotted Beka // Blog Tour

Hello everyone! I am here today to announce the blog tour for a lovely artist who specializes in creating artwork based off your characters from your book! It's an amazing (and heartwarming) thing to own artwork of the characters that you slaved over and love as much...

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Why I Want To Homeschool: Series Close

Why I Want To Homeschool: Series Close

This series is officially done. For now. In case you missed any of them, here is the full list and the links to each. Why I Want To Homeschool: Intro Why I Want To Homeschool: Safety Why I Want To Homeschool: Creativity Why I Want to Homeschool: Mind Protection Why I...

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6 Tips To Being A Better Manager (or employee)

  Based on my own experience. Most of these things can be taken with a grain of salt and if you arenā€™t a manager, you could probably still apply some of them to your own life as an employee. ~1 Affirmation. Nothing sucks the life out of anyone more than always...

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