Curses and Other Buried Things by Caroline George

Genre: Contemporary

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Publication Year: 2023

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4.5 Stars

This book gave me so many feels, while also giving me that satisfying realization that our words have power. 

The ones we say… as well as the ones we don’t say. 

The words we speak over ourselves, over the world around us, and over our relationships have more than just meaning, they have power. The power to change us, to grow us, and to destroy us. 

“out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Luke 6:45

Curses and Other Buried Things brought so much light to the concept of what our thoughts and words say about us become to define us, over time the words we wore like armor, starts to take on the definition of bone and flesh. What we once wore BECOMES us until they either bury us, or give us life. 

Curses we carry and believe don’t just affect us either, cursed people, curse people. 

But the opposite is also the truth. 

✨Free people free people✨

When we truly step out of the bondage we have lived in, no matter how long, our testimony of imprisonment into freedom has the power to set other people free. 

What are you going to do with the words that you believe? Are they ones that line up with the truth and what the Lord says about you and your life? Or are you going to believe the curses?

Caroline George has some of my favorite prose and this book was no exception. A moody, mysterious story filled with flashbacks and lore that read like ancient history that doesn’t remain quite as ancient as people would like had me on the edge of my seat, while also giving me all of the beautiful, slow-down-and-enjoy-the-words moments. It had such poignant themes and I pray that the curses that cling to those who read it are revealed and that they experience freedom from them.

4.5 stars

Content: Definitely a more mature YA audience, however it was handled tactfully, but teen pregnancy, rape (only mentioned as something that happened in the past), a hanging took place off screen but a family member found and buried the bodies. Death, the belief in curses driving people to mental illness like paranoia, depression, etc. one semi-detailed kissing scene. Other forms of minor violence, or past description of violence, suicide, mental illness, etc.

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